Woodland creation planning grant
Landowners, land managers and public bodies (other than Forestry England) can apply to the Forestry Commission to support the design of new woodland under the Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG).
Proposals must prioritise: 1) biodiversity; 2) landscape; 3) water; 4) historic environment; 5) local stakeholders. Applications at stage 1 planning worth £1,000; if feasible, at stage 2, you can get £150 per hectare, minus the £1,000 offered at stage 1. If your application is under ten hectares in size, there is a minimum payment of £500 for stage 2. The total amount of funding is capped at £30,000 per project.
Forestry England Woodland Partnership
The Forestry England Woodland Partnership offers long-term leases with guaranteed income for public and private landowners to create new woodlands. The partnership scheme supports government plans for woodland creation, nature recovery and progress towards net zero targets. Forestry England are looking for sites of at least 50 hectares suitable for woodland creation for leases of between 60 and 120 years, and landowners will receive a guaranteed annual rent throughout the lease period.
Forestry England will design, plant and manage every woodland created, ensuring each is resilient to a changing climate, supports wildlife, and provides wider ecosystem services. All woodlands created through the partnership scheme will be open to the public, providing valuable health and wellbeing opportunities for communities. Local authorities, farmers and land owners are eligible.
Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI)
The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is the first of 3 new environmental schemes being introduced under the Agricultural Transition Plan. The other 2 schemes are Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery. Farmers will be paid to provide public goods, such as:
1) improved water quality; 2) biodiversity; 3) climate change mitigation; 4) animal health and welfare; 5) Encourage improvements to soil health. Payments, which are made quarterly, are contingent on land type (Arable, grassland, moorland soils). Must be in receipt of Basic Payment Scheme.
The community wildlife grant is open to parish councils, charities and constituted voluntary groups. Grants are £50 and £500 up to 75% of the total costs. It is for projects in Lincolnshire that: 1) protect, improve or promote wildlife; 2) promote access to and enjoyment of the countryside; 3) have the support of, and include local communities. The closing dates to apply are 1 April and 1 September each year.
The National Lottery’s Awards for All programme offers grants of between £300 and £10,000 for grassroots and community activity. It funds activities that benefit the community, including: 1) hosting an event, activity or performance; 2) purchasing new equipment or materials; 3) running training courses; 4) setting up a pilot project or starting up a new group; 5) carrying out special repairs or conservation work; 6) expenses for volunteers, pay for workers and professional fees; and 7) transport costs.
Charities, community or not-for-profit groups, parish or town councils, health bodies, or schools are eligible to apply. This is a continuous rolling programme.
Countryside Stewardship: Capital grants
Countryside Stewardship (CS) provides financial incentives for looking after and improving the environment by 1) conserving and restoring wildlife habitats; 2) flood risk management; 3) woodland creation and management; 4) reducing widespread water pollution from agriculture; 5) keeping the character of the countryside; 6) preserving historical features in the landscape; 7) encouraging educational access. Some schemes are soon to be phased out, with the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), which includes the local and landscape nature recovery fund, taking over completely by 2025.
Countryside Stewardship (CS) Capital Grants are stand-alone capital grants available under Countryside Stewardship which can be used to support and complement the Wildlife Offers. Grants are split into three groups: 1) boundaries, trees and orchards; 2) water quality; 3) air quality. You can select multiple items from the three different groups. The maximum grant available is £60,000. However, there is a limit of £20,000 within each item group.
To be eligible for this grant, applicants must be land managers who are one of the following: 1) an owner occupier; 2) a tenant; 3) a landlord; 4) a licensor.
Woodland management plan grant
The Woodland Management Plan grant is part of Countryside Stewardship. It’s a capital grant for farmers and land managers to produce a woodland management plan.
Financial support to produce a woodland management plan that meets UK Forestry Standard requirements. Plans must cover a minimum of 10 years. Amount to be paid is calculated using the total area of eligible woodland on the holding e.g., 5-50 hectares = Flat rate of £1,000. This can include a maximum of 20% newly planted woodland.
To be eligible for financial support applicants must be the land managers whoa re one of the following: 1) an owner occupier; 2) a tenant; 3) a landlord; 4) a licensor.
England woodland creation offer
England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.
There are four types of payment available under EWCO:
- Support for the capital items and activities to establish new woodland, with payments covering 100% of standard costs (the national average).
- Ten years of annual Maintenance Payments to help establish the young trees once the capital works are complete.
- A contribution towards the actual cost of installing infrastructure to either enable the current and future management of the woodland, or to provide recreational access.
- Optional Additional Contributions where the location of the woodland and its design will deliver public benefits. You can apply for multiple Additional Contributions on the same land where the woodland is in the right location and the design will provide multiple public benefits
EWCO is open to owner occupiers, tenants, landlords and licensors who have full management control of the land in the application (if you don’t have full management control you will need consent from those who do). Joint applications, multiple land managers and applications on common land and areas of shared grazing are eligible.
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