• Energy generation funding opportunities for businesses

    Net Zero

    Energy generation funding opportunities for businesses

North KestevenThe place to investThe place to grow

Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) 

Successor to the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme. Provides tariff support for plants producing biomethane via anaerobic digestion which is injected into the gas grid. Tariffs are calculated to compensate plants for the building of new infrastructure to produce biomethane and ongoing operation costs.


Smart export guarantee (SEG)

The Smart export guarantee is a government-backed initiative. The SEG requires some electricity suppliers (SEG Licensees) to pay small-scale generators (SEG Generators) for low-carbon electricity which they export back to the National Grid, providing certain criteria are met.


Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition: Stream 1 phase 2 

The Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition supports innovation in the supply of hydrogen, reducing the costs of supplying hydrogen, bringing new solutions to the market, and ensuring that the UK continues to develop world leading hydrogen technologies for a future hydrogen economy.

Up to £60 million will be competitively awarded to projects that can help develop a wide range of innovative low-carbon hydrogen supply solutions.

The competition is delivered via 2 streams, and Stream 1 is being run over 2 phases. Phase 2 will down select projects from Phase 1 and support demonstrations at up to £6 million per project.

Only open to those that were:

  • Successful in receiving funding to Stream 1 Phase 1.
  • Have submitted their Final Phase 1 Feasibility Report to BEIS



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