During the pandemic we realised that our business was heavily reliant on the hospitality sector and, although we were growing direct sales to customers, to secure the brewery’s future we would need to upgrade our brewing equipment.
Through conversations with Business Lincolnshire, I was made aware of the ARG Adapt and Revive Grant that was available to businesses in North Kesteven. I had been searching for funding and support to help us achieve our aim so was grateful to learn about this and to establish that our business was eligible for funding.
We purchased our new 1400litre capacity brewing kit with the help of the Adapt and Revive Grant. Acquiring the new equipment has given us the opportunity to expand the brewery into canning, kegging and bottling our beers and in the process creating 3 new full time positions.
Ultimately the grant funding will allowed us to expand into new markets. It has increased the different beer styles we can brew. We can offer our products to a wider range of hospitality venues, supply direct to the customer and have the potential of exporting our beers.
The grant funding from North Kesteven District Council has been instrumental in the continued growth of 8 Sail Brewery.
Tony Pygott,
8 Sail Brewery
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